為了2015 summer internship, 我投了好幾十家公司(老婆也幫我投了不少XD)。
到了快五點,信箱就收到了一個coderpad link for interview。
這是一個共同文字編輯的網頁,可以選c++/Java/... or plain text。
聊一下之後就開始進入正題,進行technical interview寫程式題目。
有兩個functions: void hit()和long getHits()
特別提到關鍵字circular buffer和time stamp
class HitsCounter {
vector<int> hitcnt; // stores the hit for each second
long long total; // always keeps the current hit count
long long last; // the time of last hit
int size; // size of hitcnt array, for this question set to
HitsCounter(int secondCnt) {
// in this case, secondCnt shoule be 300
hitcnt = vector<int>(secondCnt, 0);
total = 0;
size = secondCnt;
long long getHit() {
// total always stores the current hit count
return total;
void hit(long long cur) {
// suppose the unit of time() is second
// long long cur = time();
// if cur > last, some previous value need to be reset to 0
// also, if t - last > size, we've set 0 for entire queue, no need
to continue
for (int t = last + 1; t <= cur && t - last <= size; t++) {
// update total, and reset the specific count to 0
total -= hitcnt[t % size];
hitcnt[t % size] = 0;
// update hitcnt, total and last for this hit
hitcnt[cur % size]++;
last = cur;
整個面試時間是一小時,從下午五點到六點。大概剩20分鐘時,我寫得差不多了,但是因為是臨時看這段code,中間有些地方不太確定,所以一直修修改改。面試官要我把code講解一遍,有些地方因為不太懂,我講的不好,面試官也人很好的提示我。他似乎覺得我做得還不錯(?),不知道是不是客套,我覺得自己基本上是搞砸了。最後十分鐘,他問我有沒有什麼問題,我就把預先準備的問題拿出來問:(a) intern要做什麼project啊? (b) 我想做document tracking difference, or image difference讓dropbox功能更強大,請問具體有什麼挑戰,如何完成?
pattern matching:
Given a pattern and a string input - find if the string follows the same
pattern and return 0 or 1.
1) Pattern : "abab", input: "redblueredblue" should return 1.
2) Pattern: "aaaa", input: "asdasdasdasd" should return 1.
3) Pattern: "aabb", input: "xyzabcxzyabc" should return 0.
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>
using namespace std;
static bool isMatched(string pattern, string input);
static bool isMatchedRecur(string& pattern, int startPattern,
string& input, int startInput, map<char, string>& defition);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
// insert code here...
cout << "Hello, World!\n";
bool result = isMatched("aba", "aba");
if(result) cout << "Matched\n";
else cout << "Unmatched\n";
return 0;
* Check whether input matches pattern with the current definition
* @param pattern
* @param startPattern
* @param input
* @param startInput
* @param defition
* @return
static bool isMatchedRecur(string& pattern, int startPattern,
string& input, int startInput, map<char, string>& defition) {
bool finishedPattern = startPattern >= pattern.length();
bool finishedInput = startInput >= input.length();
if(finishedInput && finishedPattern) {return true;}
else if (finishedInput ^ finishedPattern) {return false;}
char nextPatternChar = pattern[startPattern];
//if the next character in pattern is already defined, check its definition as prefix of the input
if(defition.find(nextPatternChar)!=defition.end()) {
string charDef = defition[nextPatternChar];
if(startInput + charDef.length() - 1 >= input.length()) {return false;}
for (int i = 0; i < charDef.length(); i++) {
if (charDef[i] != input[startInput + i]) {return false;}
return isMatchedRecur(pattern, startPattern + 1, input,
startInput+int(charDef.length()), defition);
} else {
string builder = string();
int j = 0;
//try all possible definition of the current character in the pattern
for (int i = startInput; i < input.length(); i++) {
builder.insert(builder.begin()+j, input[i]);
string newDef = builder;
//make sure the definition is distinct
for(auto it = defition.begin();it !=defition.end();it++){
if(it->second == newDef){continue;}
defition.insert(pair<char, string>(nextPatternChar, newDef));
bool isMatch = isMatchedRecur(pattern, startPattern + 1,
input, startInput + int(newDef.length()), defition);
if(isMatch) {return true;}
return false;
static bool isMatched(string pattern, string input){
map<char, string> dict;
return isMatchedRecur(pattern, 0, input, 0, dict);